EHTEL – Coordinator
Founded in 1999, EHTEL (the European Health Telematics Association) is a pan European multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary forum. It provides a leadership and networking platform for European corporate, institutional and individual actors dedicated to the betterment of healthcare delivery through eHealth.
EHTEL serves and convenes a growing membership of more than 50 organisations that come from various viewpoints and which are united in their interest to make eHealth work. By collecting and distilling their voices through work groups and publications, EHTEL amplifies the constituency for eHealth in the European arena.
EHTEL facilitates the sharing of experience with colleagues and representatives across Europe and beyond. It also collaborates closely with other European stakeholder associations. The multitude of backgrounds and interests of these stakeholders enables EHTEL, as a neutral forum, to draw a more complete picture of the benefits and challenges of the deployment of ICT in the fields of health and social care, and thereby identify topics requiring particular attention and further developments at European level.
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