Momentum telemedicine service descriptions
doc@Home (DK)
Objectives, expected outcomes, main beneficiaries
doc@HOME is an integrated telehealth solution for the remote management of patients with a range of long-term conditions (also known as chronic diseases). It collects and analyses essential patient-related data, permitting effective management through efficient interaction between clinicians and patients at home.
The doc@HOME service provides a systematic approach to the management of chronic disease in the home and other locations away from the clinician’s office. Patient/clinician interaction takes place typically via the Docobo HealthHub. This is a fit-for-purpose, robust, handheld data collection unit which connects through a standard telephone line at the patient’s home to a secure server. Healthcare professionals interact with the doc@HOME service via secure Web access using standard browsers, enabling patient management at a range of locations.
Changes in patient trends can be identified and notified to the authorised user. An authorised clinician can access the patient record on demand and send messages directly to the patient, ie to request to visit the surgery or to change the frequency and/or volume of medication.
doc@ HOME is cost-effective and offers a range of solutions that satisfy an operational need. The service is compliant with current standards. The infrastructure set-up cost is insignificant, obsolescence and depreciation is eliminated, and repair logistics considerations are not necessary. Pilot evaluation studies can be conducted on any scale.
doc@ HOME uses open database standards. As such, compatibility with emergent electronic patient record systems at local, national and European levels is assured. It offers the highest standard of interoperability, and is fully compliant European and International standards. It is also European Medical Device Directive-compliant EN13485 accredited. It interfaces to Electronic Patient Record Systems.
For the delivery of public healthcare, remote health management provides a cost-effective way to manage burdens on public services caused by an increasing proportion of chronically ill and elderly people who require healthcare.
Targeted population, number of patients
The population targeted by this particular service is elderly citizens in general or people with chronic conditions (e.g. who receive long-term monitoring or coaching). Examples include patients with chronic conditions namely: chronic heart disease, hypertension, pulmonary diseases, and diabetes.
The number of patients who receive this service on a monthly basis is 100-1,000. The estimated size of the targeted population nationally is up to 10,000.
Type of telemedicine service
This telemedicine service is a monitoring service. The general relationship involved is between patients and the secondary care level.
doc@HOME is essentially a telecare system. The patient has a hand-held medical device which collects regular health data. The data includes inputs given by the patient (such as well-being and sleep quality) and third-party measurements (such as weight, blood pressure, and blood glucose). The data is sent to a central server where it is made available for the patient, doctor and nurse (depending on the set-up). Automatic warnings can be sent to the patient, doctor, or to people who are worried well. The doctor will have this data at his or her disposal in the event of a regular visit, a change of treatment plan, or an emergency. The doctor is able to make changes in the monitoring programme and in the type of data that the system collects..
Set-up that was being replaced
The telemedicine service replaced conventional treatment that included patient self-monitoring and regular visits to the treatment professional, and post-operative stays in the hospital.
Operational status
The initiative has already seen results in cost-savings, increase in quality of life, and an increase in clinical effectiveness.