Momentum telemedicine service descriptions
RxEye Remote Reading (SE)
Objectives, expected outcomes, main beneficiaries
RxEye Remote Reading offers companies a way to deal with the lack of radiologists/pathologists and the associated resource problem. It offers a simple and secure solution for engaging remote reviewers and providing transparent costs and flexible, but secure, contracts. Parallel contracts of variable duration can be concluded without external information technology (IT) installations in order to facilitate and guarantee continuous availability of reviewers.
With RxEye Remote Reading, teleradiologists/pathologists can offer their review services to other companies on an automatically generated invoicing basis, thus achieving transparent profit with minimal administration. In this way, radiologists and pathologists can handle greater volumes or more complicated examinations in the case of either reduced work load or to enhance personal skills. It costs nothing to get started and start reviewing.
Remote Reading fully supports clinical flow processes so as to minimise the need for administration for both clients and reviewers.
Targeted population, number of patients
The targeted population includes patients undergoing specific treatment(s), particularly patients who need diagnoses based on medical imaging.
The service can increase the efficiency of radiology departments, increase the number of treatments, and increase the accessibility of expertise for all types of patient groups that are in need of examination using medical imaging.
On a monthly basis, between 100–1,000 patients receive the service.
Type of telemedicine service
The RXEye Remote Reading service can be classified as diagnostics. The key actors involvement are secondary care to secondary care.
Set-up that was being replaced
RxEye facilitates using external radiologists or medical imaging experts for care given for internal purposes. This can lead to faster access to a diagnosis. Medical imaging experts can also be coordinated or consulted to determine the diagnosis of difficult or rare cases. This can lead to a higher quality of diagnosis.
Outcomes and results expected after introduction
No clinical trials or health economic evaluations have been undertaken to evaluate the outcome, but the faster and easier access to external medical imaging experts that RxEye provides could lead to a higher quality of diagnosis, with shorter delay times.
Detailed description
The service is a web platform that allows fast procurement processes and communication to work in a network where expertise, images and patient data can be exchanged.
Regarding RxEye’s technology, only one IT installation is required for all future suppliers, which reduces the cost and increases the flexibility of the company providing the service. For companies that only need to upload individual cases manually, getting assistance as soon as possible does not require an IT installation. The only thing that suppliers need is a client installation, which lowers the barrier and makes it possible to start delivering services quickly.
Parties that can be involved include buyers and suppliers of diagnostic services. Private and public companies can procure imaging diagnostics directly, simply and securely. RxEye’s procurement complies with the provisions of the Swedish Public Procurement Act. Organisation of experts, such as self-employed teleradiologists, recruitment companies or teleradiology companies, can be given different assignments by county councils and private care institutions through RxEye.
Operational status
This RXEye Remote Reading service is operational and forms part of the mainstream health service.